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Energy Healing

Energy Healing

Energy Healing

Energy Healing

Energy Healing

Energy Body Structure

Our Energy Structure

Have you felt pain such as muscle or joint aches, and you go to different massage spas, a doctor, or even a nerve specialist, but nobody could fix it? Your doctor may even suggest joint part replacement like a robot.

We saw many people suffer after that kind of surgery. The western medical world could never understand our body’s energy structure. We can not cure physical pain without working with these five energetic layers of our body.

As a child, I had an accident, which left me with a sore back. Physical therapy didn’t help with the pain. My experience inspires me to develop Quantum Healing which shifts energy at a higher dimensional level.

It works by removing the negative blockages from all these five layers of energy structure, making all the pain disappears.

Only The Best Natural Healing Power

We use many natural healing methods, such as Ayurvedic massages with herbal oil or salt bundle and Moxa treatment which helps kill cancer cells, eliminate toxins in the body and stimulate blood circulation.

We also use sound healing to target all organs to rebalance their frequency. Additionally, Counseling is also provided to assess emotional stress. And lastly, Quantum Healing removes traumatic energy from all five layers of the energy structure of our body.

When your natural healing power is switched on, your body will start to heal by itself. Even if you got cancer, there’s still hope. Remember, we all have natural healing power.

Natural Healing
Healing at Harmony Hill Health Retreat

Now is your Time to Heal

We need to heal ourselves after so many years of being controlled by darkness. We had been used and manipulated by dark forces for so long. They have done massive damage to all of us. Now we should start to heal and cleanse our energy field.

At Harmony Hill Health Retreat, we are all energy healers and offer high-standard holistic and natural therapies to heal and recover your healthy balance. Our Health Retreat is located on top of a mountain and is quiet and peaceful. We will be glad to have you as our guest.

It works by removing the negative blockages from all these five layers of energy structure, making all the pain disappears.

How (Un)Healthy Are You?